
Welcome to Arab Potash Company

In the context of its leading role in local community development, the Arab Potash Company (APC) provides many training opportunities for students and graduates of intermediate institutes and universities in various disciplines, in the aim of preparing and qualifying a number of youth, raise their competitiveness in the job market, or prepare them for employment in functions that APC needs regularly. This program gives trainees an overview of APC's activities and they are assigned tasks that give them the opportunity to hone their skills and understand business, The company shall offer many benefits to the trainee during the training period.

The Arab Potash Company (APC) is guided in all its activities by its core values:  

  1. Integrity and transparency by applying the highest standards of integrity in conducting business with full transparency, through accurate and timely disclosures that are readily accessible to customers, employees, suppliers, community members, shareholders, and regulators.
  2. Safety and environmental protection.  APC regularly reviews, updates, and improves its safety procedures at all facilities, to remain among the best companies worldwide in minimizing work accidents and injuries, and it searches continuously for new and more efficient ways to minimize solid, liquid, and gaseous discharges and emissions that result from APC's activities.
  3. Competitiveness and profitability.  APC works to maximize competitiveness and profitability by constantly searching to procure best resources at optimal prices, and to enhance the efficiency of its processes.
  4. Team spirit. APC's concern for the welfare of its employees does not stop at their safety.  Every effort is made to improve their working conditions, as well as their remuneration packages, and to sustain a two-way dialogue with them to maintain a healthy team spirit.
  5. Partnership with local communities, especially those most directly affected by APC's activities.  Regular meetings are held with community leaders and civil society organizations to be informed of their needs, and APC runs an active CSR program to address shared concerns and contribute to the communities' sustainable development.
  6. Cost consciousness. All members of the APC family are expected to be cost-conscious and to exert every effort to minimize costs and stop waste throughout the Company, in all resources (water, electricity, fuel).

APC's Code of Business Ethics (CoBE) was developed to establish and codify a series of legal and ethical rules of behavior governing all APC employees. The CoBE reflects the Company's policies and ensures that all dealings with APC employees, service recipients and service providers are conducted with integrity and high work ethics, without discrimination of any kind, in order to guarantee high trust among all stakeholders, including trade partners.

In line with our commitment to sustainable operations, and in compliance with local and international environmental laws, APC actively works to minimize the impact of production activities on the environment.  To this effect, APC incorporate state-of-the-art technologies at APC’s plants and strict policies at all Company sites to reduce dust, waste products, limit potash and carbon emissions, and streamline the consumption of energy and water.

APC also dedicates a portion of its CSR budget to financing environmental and water projects. In 2013 alone, APC provided in excess of JOD 1.2 million to support marine, nature, energy, water, and recycling societies and initiatives.

APC's top priority is the safety and wellbeing of its 2,000+ employees. Accordingly, the Company devotes considerable resources and constantly upgrades its measures and procedures to create a safe working environment.

In 2013 and 2014, APC exceeded four million working hours without lost time injuries (defined as injuries that require the injured employee to take time off for treatment) which is one of the best safety records in the region./p>

In recognition of this positive performance and safety results, APC received the Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety and Health in 2012, granted by Jordan's General Social Security Corporation.

About Us

Arab Potash Company, a leading company in Jordan attracts best talents in various fields and disciplines through best practices in the selection recruitment and training.

The company is distinctive in providing competitive Compensation and Benefits for its employees, includes 16 salaries per year, saving fund, housing loans, health insurance, transportation, scholarships and many other benefits.

The company is interested in the cares about its employees and their families, and provides various means of social support and appreciation for their contributions.

The company gives priority to provide a healthy, safe, secure and stress-free work environment within the highest safety standards through a series of procedures, policies and training and awareness programs.

Available Jobs

فني تصنيع (Fabrication Technician)


Full time

المهام والمسؤوليات   - تجهيز وتشغيل ماكنات التصنيع المتوفرة في الصيانة الخارجية والمشاغل مثل: المكابس، ماكنات اللف، المقصات, القاطع الحراري, المثاقب..... الخ . - تنفيذ أع م ال التصنيع الموكلة له بفعالية وتسجبل القياسات ونتائج التصنيع في السجلات الخاصة للرجوع اليها وقت الحاجة . - تصنيع القوالب والنماذج والعينات والتأكد من مطابقتها للمواصفات المطلوبة باستخدام أدوات الرسم والقياس - تنفيذ أعمال التصنيع المبرمجة حسب البرامج المعدة من قبل المشرفين . - اعداد قوائم بقطع التصنيع المناسبه للعمل. - المحافظة على نظافة بيئة العمل والتقيد بأنظمة السلامة من خلال -  مراقبة تطبيق هذه الأنظمة اثناء إجراء عمليات التصنيع من خلال إجراء التفقد الدوري وكتابة تقارير الحوادث.   -الإلتزام بإستخدام معدات الوقاية الشخصية في جميع مواقع العمل. -التأكد من إنسجام عمليات التصنيع مع معايير الجودة والبيئة والسلامة والصحة المهنية من خلال تطبيق الأنظمة والسياسات الخاصة بالشركة واجراءات نظام الجودة العالمي. -العمل بنظام الصباحي او الوريات والتأخر بعد ساعات الدوام الرسمي وحسب متطلبات العمل التي يراها المسؤول المباشر. -كتابة تقارير العمل اليومية والتغذية الراجعة على برامج التصنيع اليومية والوقائية. -القيام بأية أعمال اخرى تتعلق بوظيفته والموكلة اليه من قبل المسؤول المباشر.

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فني خراطة (Turning Technician)


Full time

المهام والمسؤوليات   - تصنيع وإصلاح قطع غيار المعدات الميكانيكية مثل اعمدة الدوران،القمصان الانزلاقية، حافظات المسافات، البطانات المعدنية،القارنات الميكانيكية بواسطة عمليات الخراطة والقطع . - إعداد وتشغيل معظم الات خراطة وقطع المعادن بكفاءة وأمان . - القدرة على تحديد ظروف القطع المناسبة: السرعة والتغذية وعمق القطع لسلامة اعمال الخراطة. - التح ق ق من قياسات (الأبعاد) الدقيقة لأجزاء المعدات الميكانيكية باستخدام أدوات‏ القياس ومعدات الفحص المناسبة - الصيانة اليومية لمعدات الخراطة ومراقبة مستوى الزيت ومراقبة الأجزاء المتحركة للمخرطة وإزالة الرقائق المعدنية (مخلفات الخراطة) من مكان العمل . - الحفاظ على أدوات القطع وإبلاغ المشرف عن اي نقص . - تنظيف وترتيب المعدة بعد كل عملية خراطة وضمان مراعاة قواعد السلامة في مكان العمل. - المحافظة على نظافة بيئة العمل والتقيد بأنظمة السلامة من خلال مراقبة تطبيق هذه الأنظمة اثناء إجراء عمليات الخراطة من خلال إجراء التفقد الدوري للمخارط. - الالتزام باستخدام معدات الوقاية الشخصية في جميع مواقع العمل . - التأكد من انسجام عمليات الخراطة مع معايير الجودة والبيئة والسلامة والصحة المهنية من خلال تطبيق الأنظمة والسياسات الخاصة بالشركة واجراءات نظام الجودة العالمي . - العمل بنظام الصباحي او الوريات والتأخر بعد ساعات الدوام الرسمي وحسب متطلبات العمل التي يراها المسؤول المباشر . - كتابة تقارير العمل اليومية والتغذية الراجعة على برامج وأعمال الخراطة اليومية والوقائية. - القيام بأية أعمال اخرى تتعلق بوظيفته والموكلة اليه من قبل المسؤول المباشر    

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Safety Superintendent


Full time

- Job Summary: - Maintaining the health and safety of employees, contractors, and communities in APC operations areas. - Supervising the safety functions within the company and handling day-to-day supervisory activities for the safety section heads and staff. - Implementing the safety management system in the APC operations areas. - Enforce the implementation of international, national, and APC policies and procedures. - Provide technical support and leadership to develop effective policies, procedures, and programs that ensure the implementation of the best safe environment practices and improve the safety and health conditions of all APC manpower in the multiple operations areas. - Follow-up the needed reports to ensure the company compliance for the legal requirements. - Implementing effective communication methods to increase the involvement of the relevant parties effectively and ensure the visibility of safety priorities. - Support the company to reach the minimum and levels of the injuries and accident and promoting a culture of safe environment among the APC manpower. - Support the evolution of the health and safety culture at APC sites. - Enhance the health and safety capability for the team. - Act as a subject matter expert to jump-shift operational safety by demonstrating visible culture change and improving HIS performance. - Implement the risk assessment process for APC site activities, ensure that risk profiling plans are updated periodically, and report risk profiles to the director on every scheduled reporting date. - Ensuring risk assessment and job hazard analysis implementation for contractors periodically. - Respond to incidents and accidents, take immediate action, and supervise the process of incidents investigation. - Preparing and organizing HSE meetings and deployments at the APC facilities level, ensuring personnel involvement in HSE, and enforcing change culture. - Follow the implementation of all control measures and track critical control points to eliminate any possible risks. - Deploy behavioral-based safety programs for employees and contractors. - Implement the specific H&S annual business plans. - Prepare updated statistical data showing H&S operations trends and review it periodically. Develop an H&S inspection plan and lead and coordinate the safety inspection teams. - Conduct site inspections and safety tours.

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